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The way we are being empowered

1. Discussion, in order

  • To have a clear understanding about our goal and how to achieve it, especially about every single step of production process and marketing.


  • To have an agreement about production cost, benefits, work flow, royalty for the design that they created, even daily cleaning schedule

2. Craft Competition



Circa already held two times internal craft competition in order to encourage artisans;


  • Building a good teamwork

  • Making a clear concept of their product

  • Presenting their product (verbal and through product display)

  • How to impress customer.


This is a very important exercise since they are always categorized as a marginalized people (voice of the voiceless), so they have to be able to speak out clearly (no just loud).

3. Networking



  • Video Making Workshop

This is the way artisans learned how to make a good plan before an implementation.


  • Combiphar

For almost two years, this pharmacy company sent their managers or experts to held workshops about many topics, from financial plan to basic principle of cooperative and  marketing.



This is a crowdfunding platform that helped us to fund our workshop construction in 2013.


  • Indonesia for Humanity

This resource foundation for social justice and peace granted a capital for our artisan cooperative and unable us to make a special products that will be sold to help women crisis centres in Indonesia.

4. Craft Fair and Exhibition

We encourage all the artisan experienced to be “a sales promotion person” during craft fair and exhibition.


This is the moment of truth where they get appreciations, inputs and critics from our customers directly.

5. Entrepreneurship

We encourage all the artisans become an entrepreneur by improving their business skill and marketing their product inline with Circa’s Collection

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